Arlo Guthrie Is Back In The Spotlight with 1967 Song “Alice’s Restaurant Massacree”

Arlo Guthrie, a 76-year-old folk singer-songwriter, is blowing up with his decades-old song “Alice’s Restaurant Massacree.” The song, which was released in 1967, has a vintage sound that is almost impossible to replicate today, making the song stand out amongst the crowd.

Arlo Guthrie was born on Coney Island, New York in 1947. In the late 60’s, Guthrie began releasing music, which is when he released today’s wildly popular song of “Alice’s Restaurant Massacree.” Now, the song is gaining traction after Guthrie released his book “Alice’s Restaurant.” This has led to the song picking up major traction on Spotify, rising to the #5 spot on Spotify’s “Viral 50 - USA” charts.

Also, it’s important to note that this song is 18:37 long. This is absolutely unheard of and the longest song PLAYDATE. has ever seen.


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