dietrich. details trials and tribulations with “hollywood”

dietrich. has shared a new song,  called “hollywood”. This potent song continues his run of versatile tracks, combining acoustic and electric elements for a raw, energizing joint. Furthermore, it demonstrates his capacity for engaging songwriting with relatable verses that detail his personal trials and tribulations with mental health and substance abuse. “hollywood” is a heartfelt, relatable cut that contains much character and replay value.

“hollywood” makes for a poignant blend of sonics with acoustic guitars building into layers of electric guitars that give the track powerful undercurrents of energy. Vocally, dietrich. shines with  emotive, cathartic lines that build into a potent, memorable hook as waves of raw, punk-influenced percussion give the track a furious groove.

On what inspired “hollywood”, dietrich. says “writing “hollywood” was my first time being honest in a song. Ironically, it was the easiest to write. This is my darkest, most terrifying story I’ve ever had to tell. I started to write "hollywood" almost immediately after waking up one morning in August, 2021. I went to rehab that September. I'd belt out the lyrics in this music room, over this old Fender acoustic they had. I got sober an was able to bring myself to make music again. I recorded the first demo of "hollywood" with my uncle at my grandma's house”.

Give dietrich.’s latest song “hollywood” a listen below.


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