Divert share genre-bending debut single “feeling you out”

Rising music group Divert have shared their debut single, titled “feeling you out”. Ran by Jon Savona, the collective has been steadily building a roster of compelling artists, and this track in particular features Divert artists TOPFLOOR, WAX, Ghetto Guitar, and Prod Jai. This potent single pairs influences from punk, hip-hop, alt-pop, and more to make for a versatile offering packed with raw emotion.

“feeling you out”’s energizing production excites with its usage of driving bass, powerful guitars, and crisp, fast-paced percussion that injects doses of hip-hop and trap. Vocally, the artists bring their a-game with raw, lively performances that are diverse throughout, dynamically weaving together verses while showcasing a natural chemistry. It is evident that the group shares an organic cohesiveness, with each member bringing unique contributions to the whole.

Listen to “feeling you out” below and get familiar with the rising music group.


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