Fuzhjin releases soulful EP ‘sun’s eternal’

Florida’s Fuzhjin is a talented artist that has come to our attention, with a penchant for personal lyricism and soulful, focused production- and his latest offering sun’s eternal is no exception. Full of jazz, soul, and gospel-laced instrumentals that uplift and provoke thought, combined with sharp, heartfelt verses that beckon many re-listens, sun’s eternal presents another captivating drop from the musician.

Be it the warm horn section, flowing keys, and poetic verses of “4ward”, or the moody, smoky sonics of “minutes”, sun’s eternal provides a variety of soundscapes while retaining a cohesive feel. The project’s ethereal, jazzy instrumentation provides a suitable backdrop for Fuzhjin’s introspective, observant lyricism- with tracks like “steps” capturing this poignantly to make for an EP highlight.

Fuzhjin’s latest is an immersive journey into jazzy, soulful beats and engaging, character-rich vocals, making for another solid drop from the Jacksonville emcee. Give it a listen here now on our platform.

Listen on all platforms HERE.

Connect with Fuzhjin: Spotify | Instagram | X (Twitter)


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