Jireh’s Perfect Circle Could Just Be the Perfect Album
The cover for Louisiana artist Jireh’s new LP, Perfect Circle.
It wouldn’t be a stretch to say the underground New Orleans/Baton Rouge hip hop scene in 2024 contains the deepest well of incredible young rappers we’ve seen since the 2010 blog era, and is producing artists who are poised to change the landscape of rap in the next 5 years. Names like Wakai and Quadry immediately come to mind as Baton Rouge rappers who have been making waves with their album releases, most recently with Quad’s full length LP “Ask A Magnolia”. However, amongst Louisiana’s slew of talented soul and R&B influenced hip-hop artists lies someone special, a diamond in the rough, just waiting to be unearthed; and he knows it’s his time. This artist goes by the name of Jireh, and his new album Perfect Circle might be just what this industry needs in 2024.
Nobody sounds quite like Jireh; his deeply smooth southern drawl lends itself to his bouncy, slick deliveries in a way that is deliciously, authentically Louisiana. Every line he writes sounds genuine and painfully honest, a representation of his upbringing in a city that is often less than forgiving, and yet beautifully creative and inspiring. Simultaneously poised and voracious, Jireh refuses to be ignored, and his hunger seems to be taking him exactly where he wants to go. After the release of his 2022 EP “Quit Playing” and his following LPs “A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints” and “B-SIDES”, Jireh has perfected the art of the rollout, utilizing his unmatched work ethic through a seemingly endless stream of Instagram freestyles accompanied by polished visuals from frequent collaborator Carlos Sanchez to keep his fans engaged and primed to receive new music. If you can say one thing about Jireh, it‘s that he never stops rapping. That never ending work, paired with his intelligently provocative presence on X (formerly Twitter) has garnered him industry respect, a consistent fan base, and co-signs from huge artists such as “What They Want” rapper Russ and Tennessee’s own Isaiah Rashad.
But enough about all that; let’s talk about Jireh’s latest endeavor, the 15 track, 39 minute LP Perfect Circle. And perfect it just might be; featuring singles like the bouncy “TURNITUP” and the infectious “ONTHEGUYS”, Jireh makes it clear that now is his time to break through, and he’s taking his people with him. Perfect Circle is a declaration of who Jireh is, from his upbringing in BR to the principles he stands on. His emphatic delivery on track 3 “WHOADIE” tells you just how fed up he his with being overlooked, as he raps in the second verse, “N**** like me ain’t wasting no time/N**** like me sick of punching that clock”. Imagining Jireh working a 9 to 5 just doesn’t make sense; his personality is that of a bonafide star in the making, a man so focused on his craft and brand that there isn’t much room for anything else. This new album is the perfect embodiment of that idea, but it’s also something more, something honest, something personal. Tracks like “MAMASONG” and “CAREGIVER” with Maudixi and JoshSimmons offer a look into the more intimate struggles in Jireh’s mind, written with an honesty that is nothing if not relatable. In his own words when describing the process of this project, Jireh said on IG, “When I started this album I started with a lot on my chest… The pressure to perform, the desire to prove people wrong, the need to be understood… I finished this album with an acceptance of myself.” What a perfect circle that is. Perfect Circle by Jireh is out now on all platforms. Go get it while it’s hot; God knows it’s only up from here.