An Interview with Nike the Artist

Dami: What inspired you to start making music?

Nike the Artist: My grandfather inspired me a lot. He makes reggae music. I got inspired by so many other upcoming artists I listened to growing up and just what was going on around me. I always sang and wrote songs damn near out the womb but, to put it out, it was to insight change.


Dami: How much would you say you’ve grown as an artist since your Babyg days?

Nike the Artist: Substantially. I’ve grown so much just as a person. Things I want to say are a little different, the range of ways I know I can say it, show it. I was just Babyg back then, but now I’m Nike THE artist for real.


Dami: Apart from your grandpa, who else are your biggest inspirations?

Nike the Artist: Chief Keef, Jasmine Sullivan, Jaden Smith, HER, Future, Lady Gaga, Rihanna to name a few.


Dami: When making music, where do you grab inspiration from?

Nike the Artist: From my immediate emotions, from something going on in real time, something stuck in my head lol, it could be about the last thing my boss said at work.


Dami: How would you describe your sound?

Nike the Artist: I would describe my sound as entrancing, vulnerable at times, affirming and motivational.


Dami: What’s your creative process like?

Nike The Artist: Well, it’s changed over the years. I used to really hate writing and then came to the studio ready with songs. Now, I’m watching the beats get made in front of me, and I just go off vibes in the moment.


Dami: You dropped a single last month titled “Gratitude is Wealth”. Can you tell us more about it?

Nike the Artist: So that single is extremely special to me. As some people may know, my father passed away in December of last year, and I’ve been struggling a lot with grief and so many other emotions, but because of the way he and my mother raised me, I’m able to let go of anger and sadness and confusion, and focus on love. Being grateful is the quickest way to live abundantly. I do not yearn for riches, I am rich in love.


Dami: What do you planned after this single?

Nike the Artist: Right now, I’m thinking about dropping a tape but nothing set in stone for real. Definitely a few singles dropping soon. Right now, I’m working on my annual star jam event and I got two videos coming out pretty soon.


Dami: Speaking of star jam, what led to you creating this event and how has it been so far managing it?

Nike the Artist: Honestly, I went to my first underground showcase in 2021. It was “Come As You Are” hosted by Kurt Donovan, and I just loved the energy and vibe of the room and wanted to do something similar so I just went right ahead and wasted no time. That same summer, I did my first one. It’s a lot of fun always seeing other artists excited about it and at times, it’s a lot especially tryna go bigger every year, but this is what I was made for.


Dami: What are the vibes for this year’s own?

Nike the Artist: Elevation always.


Dami: What more do you have planned this year?

Nike the Artist: Work. We’ll see as the future approaches.


Dami: Where do you see Nike the Artist 5 years from now?

Nike the Artist: Big tour, side business or two in place, independent living situation, and just more love, more money, more smiles, more great times for real.

Give “Gratitude is Wealth” a listen here


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