Adrey Drops Stellar EP, ‘Make It All Better’ [Album Critique]

You're undoubtedly curious about the identity of this Adrey-named artist and the mystery surrounding her. Nevertheless, if you're curious to find out more about the R&B/pop singer-songwriter, her debut album Make It All Better is the ideal resource for doing so. It offers fans a glimpse into Adrey's persona as well as an insight into her storytelling world through the album's nine tracks.  

"WYA," the first track on the album, is a dreamy synth-pop tune with all the necessary elements of a perfect pop song. “WYA” is all about the desire to get back in touch with an ex and comprehend their sentiments. This song makes me think of summertime road trips with pals.

The song “Knife Boy” is an ambient pop song that has an ethereal, dreamy production that sonically feels like it could be the soundtrack to a Netflix teen drama movie. The song “Knife Boy” tells a story of a toxic and dangerous relationship, where the protagonist is aware of the harm caused by their partner, referred to as ′knife boy.′ Adrey is able to perfectly weave a  story layered with lyrics that convey a sense of conflict and dependency, as the protagonist acknowledges the destructive nature of the relationship while expressing a need for the ′knife boy′ in their life. The emotions depicted include fear, attraction, and a struggle to break free from the toxic bond. The central themes of the song are toxic relationship, dependency, struggle, danger, and attraction vs. repulsion.   

The song “U,” is melancholic, romance song  with a stripped down piano, guitar production  that tells a story of longing and unrequited love, with the lyrics expressing the narrator′s struggle to move on from a past relationship. The emotions conveyed include yearning, loneliness, and a sense of devotion. The lyrics reflect a deep emotional connection and a desire for reciprocation, capturing the bittersweet experience of unfulfilled love.

“Promise” is another song that has minimal production and is stripped back and allows for Adrey’s vocals to soar. The song tells a story of longing and desire, with the lyrics expressing the singer′s yearning for a past love. The emotions conveyed include nostalgia, hope, and a willingness to make amends. The lyrics reflect a sense of vulnerability and a desire for reassurance from the other person. There is a theme of regret and a longing for connection, as well as a willingness to make promises in order to hold on to the relationship. 

The song ′Listening,′ a duet with Diego Gonzalez, tells a story of longing and heartache, as the lyrics express the singer′s deep emotions and desire for connection with a lost love. The protagonist reflects on the pain of separation and the hope of reuniting, conveying a sense of vulnerability and yearning. The lyrics convey a strong emotional message, emphasizing the theme of love and longing for reconciliation. Both artists' voices complement each other on this record, and make this a standout song on the album.

The  last four songs on the album are sped up versions of original songs “WYA,” “U,” “Knife Boy,”  and “Promise.” The sped up versions offers  another layer to the original versions of the song and I feel like it breathes new life into it all these would fit well in a chill/ feels/ or late night drive playlist.

I love her songs because they are so honest and well-written. I thought Adrey was delivering a coherent tale on this album about her experiences with love and personal connections; it felt real and honest. Her vocals really came to life on some of the slower, more understated songs, in my opinion, which had some of the best parts. I would adore hearing her try out additional beat combinations, perhaps even more alternative R&B. Nevertheless, she has created a fantastic body of work, and her debut album is excellent. If you enjoy R&B/pop music and musicians like SZA, give it a listen.

Final Grade: A-
Favorite Tracks: U, Promise, Listening, Knife Boy (orginal+ sped up version)


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