Bloodline Is A Band You Need To Know

Next time you want to listen to “bloodline” by Ariana Grande on Spotify, click on “artists” instead and find Bloodline, the Brazilian sibling trio creating lush, multi-layered pop music perfect for a pregame or a night in with friends. Lukaz, Julia, and Eliza Wheaton making music from their home studio deserve way more than 23.5K monthly listeners on Spotify

Bloodline’s indie-electronic sound, a blend of alt-rock and house music reminiscent of many feel-good songs we associate with the year 2015, is itching for a comeback — and this band could be part of it. Songs “Switch” or “you+i” echo synth pop sounds of The Neighbourhood’s “Softcore” and ODESZA’s recent release “In the Rain,” offering a glimpse into the band’s discography.

If you’ve also been on this indie electronic wave, we would definitely recommend checking out this lesser-known trio.

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