Nkosi Bourne shares vivid new mixtape ‘Glimpse’

Brooklyn artist Nkosi Bourne has shared a fresh new mixtape called Glimpse. Poignant and unafraid to be personal throughout, Glimpse is a project that finds the musician flexing his lyrical skills to the fullest extent atop smoky, lo-fi beats that are versatile and engaging.

The mixtape is adorned with elegant, emotive instrumentals- there’s the expansive vocal samples on title track “Glimpse” that effectively capture a certain magic, as well as “No BS”’s mesmerizing, meditative sound, and closer and project highlight “Therapy”’s warm, smoothly organic keys and crisp percussion.

“Therapy” was our personal favorite off the project. It’s a gorgeously refreshing joint that employs immersive songwriting to a cathartic effect, giving off the feeling of waking up to a bright sunny morning after a long period of rain. Bourne delivers candid, potent verses, and SUPERQT’s vocal accompaniment is soothing and graceful as well.

Glimpse is a character-rich, warm project overall that is truly easy to like. Bourne lets his guard down across the project, and uses strong songwriting to enhance the song’s heartfelt moods. Consistent throughout the tracklist, it is a project that absorbs you in its atmosphere deeply across its 7-song tracklist.

Listen to Glimpse now here:

Connect with Nkosi Bourne: Spotify | Instagram | Twitter


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