An Interview with COZYSOPRANO

Dami: What was your first introduction to music?

COZYSOPRANO: Soulja Boy “Crank That”. I was getting ready for school one day, and I turned on the radio and Soulja Boy “Crank That” started playing and it changed me. I was also listening to Viva top 100 hits on my TV, but they mostly played pop songs.


Dami: How much influence would you say that song and the top 100 hits had on you and your music in general?

COZYSOPRANO: A lot, because I was glued to the TV when I was younger. I even recorded songs on my Samsung Galaxy. I just held my phone to the speakers basically. I didn’t know about the internet yet.


Dami: What now inspired you to start making music professionally?

COZYSOPRANO: I started writing when I was 14-15 I think, and it started because I was thinking to myself that I can do it too.


Dami: How much would you say you’ve grown as an artist since then?

COZYSOPRANO: I grew a lot writing lyrics and recording helped me to express my feelings and get over certain situations. I was an only child before my sister was born so I didn’t have someone to talk to. Music saved me from a lot of bullshit too.


Dami: What type of bullshit?

COZYSOPRANO: 2019 Nordrhein Westfalen was a crazy era. People were just looking for trouble, robbing, scamming, selling dope; everything for money you know and almost everyone in my environment was doing it. And just going to the studio and staying home writing kept me away from those things, but I’m not gonna lie I did a little something too.


Dami: Who are your biggest inspirations/influences?

COZYSOPRANO: Back in the day, Lil Wayne, A$AP Mob, Duwap Kaine. A lot of people, but nowadays I get inspired by life in general, ups and downs, and the people around me, as well as the things that I go through.


Dami: Speaking of inspirations, when making music, where do you grab inspiration from?

COZYSOPRANO: Like I said, life and the things that I go through- things that upset me, people that I love. Literally everything inspires me. I even wrote a song about waffles.


Dami: How would you describe your sound?

COZYSOPRANO: I really don’t know. It’s difficult for me to describe my sound.


Dami: What 3 words can you use to describe it then?

COZYSOPRANO: Ignorant, bouncy, and raw. Sometimes laid back and trippy.


Dami: You recently dropped a single titled “Jeepers Creepers”, as well as an album titled “Tausend Schritte Bis Zum Titel”. Can you tell us more about them?

COZYSOPRANO: Jeepers Creepers was just a little freestyle I did while I was doing the tape, so it was basically a throwaway but a friend of mine said I had to drop it. The tape was basically my life from November 2023 to March 2024. All the shit that I experienced, ups and downs,  from selling shirts to people stealing my ideas, to meeting my mentor Twelvyy, to going broke and running my money back up, and shit from my past.


Dami: How was your creative process like?

COZYSOPRANO: I drove almost 1 hour every 2 days from where I live to Leverkusen. Came there early, recorded, smoked after I handled my business, left late, and repeat for like 2 months straight.


Dami: How is it pushing your music to a more international audience despite the language barrier?

COZYSOPRANO: It’s crazy for me because I would’ve never thought that people actually fuck with me. It’s not a lot of people yet, but it’s coming.


Dami: What’s next for you after these new releases?

COZYSOPRANO: I’m trying to be more active, show myself more, promote more, and tryna get a better sound. I’m already working on something new.


Dami: Care to share some details?

COZYSOPRANO: Not yet. Nothing is mixed yet, but there will be a couple of English songs.


Dami: What do you hope to achieve this year?

COZYSOPRANO: I want to gain a bigger fan base, get more money, and I wanna stay out of trouble. I also want to work with more artists that understand me and my sound.


Dami: Speaking of trouble, with all the shit you faced growing up, how were you able to keep pushing and focusing on music?

COZYSOPRANO: God and my mother. I can’t let my mom down. She supports me so yeah.


Dami: Where do you see yourself and your music in 5 years?

COZYSOPRANO: That’s a hard question. Hopefully in a better place than now.


Dami: How do you cope with writer’s block?

COZYSOPRANO: I just go out with my friends and enjoy life, or go out by myself just taking walks.

Give Jeepers Creepers and Tausend Schritte Bis Zum Titel


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