An Interview with February

Dami: How much would you say you’ve grown as an artist since your 2021 debut?

February: I feel like I’ve grown a ton as an artist since then. I had a lot happen to me, and so many new and different inspirations since then that I feel have pushed me far into being a better artist than I was.


Dami: A lot like what?

February: I had the end of a three-year relationship, and a couple of deaths in the family, and I met a couple people that have certainly changed me, and all of these have had a heavy influence on the album.


Dami: What type of influence would you say these people have had on your upcoming album?

February: In the moment of things happening, I feel like a lot of it was negative, but when I look back on it now, and see what I turned it into, they were almost all positive. It’s just a perspective game really. I’m not glad any of it happened, and I hope it doesn’t happen again but I’m definitely proud that it didn’t ruin me you know.


Dami: You said you have a whole lot of new inspirations. Can you tell us some of them?

February: For the album, I was really inspired by an artist named aboynamedblu. Their recent project “The Red Button Was Talking Again” was incredible. I also started to go to more live shows of smaller artists around where I live and even live shows of bigger artists. I was really trying to expose myself to music. I went from a coworker’s performance to listening to The Smashing Pumpkins live and even Peach Pit.


Dami: How would you describe your sound now?

February: I would describe it as alternative really, but it’s a hard sound to really pick one genre out of the bucket and know for sure it’s that genre because those alternative sounds are all so similar.


Dami: You’ve dropped 2 lead singles for the album. Can you tell us more about them?

February: 5 Minutes is the first single I released for the album, and it’s one I really love. It has this indie pop/indie rock feel to it that I just really enjoyed making. The song itself is about my past relationship and trying to get over it. I went about it in the wrong way at first, and definitely relied a lot on going out and drinking but the song is about me coming to the realization that it was not helping me whatsoever. Nicotine is one of the happier songs from the album, and I thought it was the perfect chance to collab with someone on it so I asked Jonah Zed to collab and that’s what we did. Nicotine is kinda a transitional song in the album layout where I’m moving on from being stuck in the past and being mad/angry about the situations I was in, and really trying to find new people because I had realized it didn’t have to be just them and that there were plenty of people out there.


Dami: Can you tell us more about the album?

February: I tried my best to get the album to be like a journey through my initial emotions and my slow progression through the unfortunate shit I was going through at the time.


Dami: What 3 words would you use to describe the album?

February: That’s actually hard for me. I’d probably say something like melancholic, nostalgic, and exciting. I only say exciting because personally, the project gets me excited for more stuff in the future.


Dami: Any features on the album?

February: Only two. Jonah Zed who’s on Nicotine, and an artist named Mayn who is on another song. Technically 3; I worked with Noonefrommay on the title track for this album.


Dami: Do you have anything planned after the album drops?

February: Honestly, I just plan on making a few singles until I have my next project finished.


Dami: With 2 lead singles for the album being released, that must mean the album is getting close. Any time frame for the release?

February: It’s definitely gonna be the next thing I release, but as of right now I am thinking of either late June or early July.


Dami: What was your creative process like?

February: It’s hard to describe. It was like a mood that I would get into and it was never like a “oh I should write this song” feeling. It was always a “I need to write a song right now”. All of these songs were written the same day I thought of making a song. Some were finished in 10 minutes and others took hours, but it was all apparent to me that if I left what I was working on in that moment, I would not be able to finish the song. There’s quite a few songs that didn’t make the album because of that reason.


Dami: What do you hope to achieve before the end of this year?

February: Really, I just hope to make substantial progress in developing as a musician and not just a singer/songwriter.


Dami: Where do you hope February is 5 years from now?

February: I’d like to say I’d be signed and/or successfully independent, being able to make music full time but I understand how difficult it is to make it in the industry so I’ll give myself a little leeway if it takes a little longer.

Connect with February on all his socials and check out his new drops here


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