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Welcome to Now Trending — the main place to discover the newest sounds from emerging, independent, and aspiring artists. Here, we showcase the music that’s making waves from individuals who are redefining the industry with their art. From breakthrough singles to promising new projects, Now Trending brings you the artists you need to know and the tracks that deserve your attention. Stay ahead of the curve and find your next favorite artist right here.

King Zane drops music video for fun single “Pillsbury Doughboy”

Jared McCain and Aimee Carty: The Most Unexpected Crossover of 2024
Aimee Carty and Jared McCain are going to be friends after he put her on.

Sam Barber Sells 90% Of Tickets for Headline “Till I Return Tour” Within Hours
Sam Barber sold out 90% of the tickets to his headline “Till I Return Tour”

Hazlett and Jack Gray to Join David Kushner on The Daylight Tour 2.0
David Kushner announces Hazlett and Jack Gray will join him for The Daylight Tour 2.0 in Australia and New Zealand